Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Flora Expo in Taipei

I went to Taipei International Flora Expo with my friends on last Sunday.
There are 3areas, Yuan shan park, Xin sheng park, and Dajia riverside park.
We entered at Yuan shan park and went to Xin shneng park later.
It was nice weather on last Sun, so there were a lot of people at there.
That was why we had to wait for entering at pavilion.
We saw many types of garden, for example, Philippine, Australia, Thailand,
USA, Butane and Japan.
For me, it was most impression place of Expo is Future Pavilion at Xin Shng park.
Because we can learn how a peaceful coexistence between the human race and
plants plays out. We also can see many types of plants for various environment.
For example, there are plants of tropical rain forest, subtropical zone, desert area,
and alpine plants.
I was very interested in cactuses, because there were many different types of cactus.
If I have one more chance, I want to go there again.


1 comment:

  1. wow~~!! it's so beautiful.
    i also want to go there.
    the Taipei International Flora Expo is very bigger right?
